St Mary's Church with St Luke's

Everyone becoming more like Jesus

St Mary's

St Mary's Easter Day

St Mary’s Church in Osterley Road, Isleworth, is the larger church in our parish, to the south of the  Great West Rd (A4) and to the south of Osterley Park.

Click on Contact Us for a  map. 

Our main Sunday service is at 10am, with a full programme for children.  We also have a short Holy Communion service at 8am and other Sunday services from time to time. 

St Mary's seeks to welcome people of all ages and backgrounds.  We have many different activities for children and young people on Sundays and during the week. 

 Hands             coffee

The church has a strong musical focus on Sundays with a regular choir as well as other more informal musical initiatives. 

Lay people are involved in a variety of ways both within worship and through a wide range of other activities, serving God in the church and community. 

We run regular courses and groups to help people of all ages grow in their Christian discipleship or begin their faith journey.     

We believe that the church exists for everyone.  God cares for every aspect of our lives, and the Bible tells us about the great love he has shown us.

He invites us to turn to him with our thanks and bring him our worries and concerns. Prayer is at the heart of what we do, and we have a number of weekday services and prayer spaces in church or people’s homes. See Faith and Prayer.

St Mary’s supports a number of organisations at home and abroad practically and financially.  We give 10% of our income towards projects that serve God in the wider world. See Charities Supported.