St Mary's Church with St Luke's

Everyone becoming more like Jesus

What's On

Sunday Services

Our main service at St Mary's is at 10am. It is a communion service on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. 2nd Sundays are all age worship, often with a parade of our uniformed groups. 4th Sundays we meet all together in the Millennium Hall for a more informal and interactive time of worship.

St Luke's services are at 11.30am.  Communion is on the 4th service of the month.

There is a communion service at St Mary's at 8am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

Join us online

Browse online services on our YouTube channel

We stream a live half hour of prayer on weekday mornings (Mon-Wed-Fri) at 9am on our Facebook Page 

Watch a service from the Church of England

Morning Prayer Live

Daily Prayer booklet

Giving to St Mary's

Our Giving page explains how to support the mission and ministry at St Mary's including making a donation online. Please prayerfully consider joining the Parish Giving Scheme to become a regular donor or giving a one-off donation with a credit or debit card.

Make a financial gift to the mission and ministry of St Mary's on our Giving page or click DONATE

St Mary's Book Club

Sunday 3 March at 8pm, Secret Keeper by Kate Morton.

For venue, contact the Parish Office.

Thursday Night Prayer Group

Thursday Night Prayer Group - 8-9pm meets on Zoom. Please do join us - we are a very informal and welcoming group and new people are very welcome.  

Join via the link,, or by using the following details:

Meeting ID:  864 5054 5836 Passcode: pray

Please do join us 🙏🏼

Join the meeting here

Morning Prayer on Facebook Live

Join us on Facebook for live morning prayer, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 9am.

Today's Common Worship, Morning Prayer here. St Luke's Morning Prayer sheet here.

Clothing Bank at St Luke's

Clothing Bank 1 Clothing Bank 2Clothing Bank 3

St Luke’s Mission Church, (Next to Hounslow East station), Kingsley Road, Hounslow TW3 4AB          12.30hrs - 14.30hrs 

Providing clothing for those who are in need (see below for referral/registration  form)

The clothing bank is open on Tuesdays from 1pm -2.30pm and the team meets at 12.30pm to pray. 

Join our team!  For more information, see the Volunteer Agreement.

You can usually refer someone who is in need of clothing but as we currently have a waiting list for those who need clothing our referral form is closed until the New Year.

If you would like to make a donation to the Clothing Bank at St Luke's to pay for items that we need to buy you can donate on the following link: - Clothing Bank Donations Link

Donations of wanted clothing (see list below) can be dropped off at St Luke's between 1-3pm on Tuesday afternoons or on Sunday mornings (please leave in porch if service is in progress).  Alternatively, you can leave at the back of St Mary's clearly marked 'For Clothing Bank'.  Please only leave below items at the back of church and take anything else to a Charity Shop. Thank you!

Please note that at the moment the only items we need are:-

Trainers in reasonable condition (in particular men's trainers) Mens coats & Jackets, Track bottoms Hats and Gloves.  Also new underwear, socks & vests.

Please do not donate other items, children's clothing or dirty damaged worn clothing as we cannot use them and this makes more work for our volunteers disposing of them. Thank you

Clothing Bank will be closed on Tuesday 7th January 25 for a clothes sorting and labelling afternoon you would be welcome to come and help.  

Clothing Bank will reopen on Tuesday 14th January 25 at 1pm for guests.  

As we are currently experiencing a high demand for clothing we are having to limit visits to one visit per guest and two items of clothing/shoes.


The Foodbank at Hope Church Hounslow is open on Wednesday (at St Paul's) and on Thursday (at Good Shepherd).  You can make an online donation here.  

Parish Office 

Our Church Administrator is Jessica Sobryan. She works in the Parish Office 10am-2pm Monday to Thursday.  You can contact the Parish Office via email