St Mary's Church with St Luke's

Everyone becoming more like Jesus


The 2023 Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meeting of the parish church of St Mary Spring Grove will take place on Sunday 16 April 2023.  


  1. Opening Prayer
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of the Meeting held 15th May 2022
    (minutes for review)
  4. Chairman's introduction
  5. Items of Any Other Business

Meeting of Parishioners (Vestry Meeting)

  1. Election of Churchwardens

Download a nomination form

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

  1. Presentation of Annual Report and Accounts
  2. Presentation of the Electoral Roll
  3. Election of Deanery Synod representatives (3 vacancies) nomination form
  4. Election of PCC members (6 vacancies) nomination form
  5. Appointment of Independent Examiner
  6. Any Other Business (notified before meeting)
  7. Closing Prayer

Resources for the meeting (to follow)

APCM with Rev Elis in church hall